What are Animal Dental Care’s Preventative Oral Screening and Cleanings?
Preventative Oral Screening and Cleanings are for your awake pet. Preventative Oral Screening and Cleanings are provided through our Partner Hospitals across the country and are utilized to help minimize bacteria build up in your pet through frequent teeth cleanings in-between regular anesthetic dentals & x-rays. Animal Dental Care’s awake maintenance teeth cleanings provide the missing piece to your pet’s Total Treatment Plan for the Oral Cavity.
What is a Total Treatment Plan
for the Oral Cavity?
Combining regular veterinary examinations, anesthetic dental cleanings & x-rays, maintenance Preventative Oral Screening and Cleaning’s and home care efforts, will help to keep your pet’s dental disease causing oral bacteria low. Every pet will respond differently to the dental disease causing bacteria and a combination of these efforts is the key to oral health.
Contact one of our Partner Hospitals to learn more about dental disease and your pet.
Why Animal Dental Care?
Animal Dental Care has been providing maintenance Preventative Oral Screening and Cleaning for nearly two decades. Our combined experience and veterinarian reviewed protocols have brought forth an evolved and effective service provided by our expert oral care assistants. The caring veterinarians at each of our Partner Hospitals provide essential examinations prior to your pet’s teeth cleaning. This not only ensures that your pet is a proper candidate for the procedure but allows for a safe and comfortable experience.
ADC Client Video from Animal Dental on Vimeo